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Understand PyTorch code in 10 minutes
So PyTorch is the new popular framework for deep learners and many new papers release code in PyTorch that one might want to inspect. Here is my understandin...
An intuitive understanding of variational autoencoders without any formula
I love the simplicity of autoencoders as a very intuitive unsupervised learning method. They are in the simplest case, a three layer neural network. In the f...
An introduction to Neural Networks without any formula
What is a neural network? To get started, it’s beneficial to keep in mind that modern neural network started as an attempt to model the way that brain perfor...
How to work with Jupyter Notebook on a remote machine (Linux)
I typically use my computers at home to connect to my work computer. I setup xRDP to remote desktop into my work computer(Linux) which is OK but slow at time...
How to get the job you want with no experience, lessons from top copywriters
have been blogging about about the qualifications of advanced degree holders and how they should be approaching a job search. However, job rejection is commo...
How to get the job you want after graduation in 7 steps
Recently, I read a post on the Chronicle where the author had listed all the excuses she could come up with, to justify her decision not to pursue a fulfilli...
10 skills PhDs master that give them an edge over other job seekers
A PhD has traditionally been the path to a career in academia. However, recent job trends have led to less than 1% placement rate of STEM PhD graduates in te...
impostor syndrome or nonlinear life?
One of the most exhilarating observations of physics and mathematics for me, comes from understanding the concept of nonlinearity. i.e. inputs don’t necessar...